Abs Workouts with Interval Training

If you're choosing a complete guide on exercising your abdominals and it is full of nothing but ab workouts and abdominal exercises without devling into the dark side of cardio or showing the importance of high intensity interval training workouts and total body workouts using bodyweight exercises you may want to see about recovering your money.

Why you say? How come? Is there a better way I missed?  Yes, because having a perfect set of abs isn't really about carrying out endless crunches while working out and hours of mundane treadmill work. It really is about high intensity, efficiency, and bottom line end results! Lots more people would have 6-pack abs and would certainly save 100's of dollars on useless fat burning pills and gimmicks if they just understood the optimal way to exercise. A great set of abs not only looks healthy, it is healthy.Getting your workouts in each week is really important when it comes to maintaining optimal health and fitness. The side effect from the type of workouts I teach will be that you naturally will develop chiseled and ripped abs without doing endless ab workouts.

Simple 3 Days a Week Exercise Program

You'll do 5 minutes of bodyweight exercise intervals to warm yourself up in preparation for the what is coming next. This is a much more effective approach than spending 5 minutes going for a walk on a treadmill machine, that really doesn't prepare you for anything except more walking on a treadmill and won't prepare your core for an abs workout. Now before you start thinking these workouts are going to be a cakewalk, it's far from it. These kinds of routines are challenging and force your body to adapt and use-up more calories while working more of your muscles and core. You don't have to stress about what to do for your next abs workout because it is built into these workouts. Do you wish you knew how to do this right from the start, before you ever spent hundreds of hours in the gym? You can't get the time or money back, but you can start working out the right way from here on out. We move into the strength training supersets, where we use two exercises performed back to back with minimum rest between each. This cuts your total workout time, while still giving all of us maximum results. We only need 20 minutes for this, and we'll use basic exercises, and sometimes even more bodyweight exercises, depending on the client's goal for muscle building.

Interval Training Workouts

Do an eighteen minute interval training workout. A warm-up, followed by 6 short intervals at the appropriate fitness level for yourself or your client if you are training someone, interspersed with short periods of low-intensity recovery. Finish up with a nice cool down. And that's the workout.

Again, about 45 minutes total. How would you say this compares to a mind numbing 45 minutes on a treadmill staring at the ceiling or watching the lame channel they have put on the television for you to watch. Having a daytime soap opera playing right in front of you is one way to make the 45 minute treadmill even more tortuous so say goodbye to those days. Wasn't it Yoda that said "once you go down the Dark Path, forever will it control your destiny? He was talking about the dark side of cardio. Don't go down that path as it will consume your body with a lack of results and eventual injuries from overuse and an inability to recover!

Fortunately Jedi Master Skywalker chose the path of interval training and was able to beat his dad in that game of laserswords - green beats red...  Dark Sith Mr. Vader was all beat up from overuse injuries, most likely from trying to train with long, boring cardio and not having a very good music selection to listen to on his MP3 player.

If you want to learn more about the best and most efficient way to exercise for maximum fat burning potential without having to do an hour long abs workout check out Turbulence Training for already done for you workouts that you can simply follow along with. There are workouts for each fitness level, tips on diet, and general information that is not so general because it is truly cutting edge.  Forgot about that traditional abs workout and start interval training.


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